Gardens at: 73 Prospect St. Topsfield, MA
** We are in the process of updating our system, so please forgive any errors. If a page doesn't load correctly, just refresh it.
WE thank all our loyal customers for making gardening so enjoyable, & we look forward to seeing you all this season! ~~
Summer daylily beds at Greywood Farm
26 January 2025 ~~ Dear Gardening Friends
Welcome to our revised 2025 web site, containing many new exciting Daylily, Japanese Iris and Hosta varieties at great prices. Our web site is our only ‘Catalog’, and we have changed, deleted and added to accordingly. Please excuse any errors – there will be typos! After all, it’s really all about the plants. We enjoy the freedom of being able to change our pages at will, and shall do so throughout the season. Look for more sales bargains, seedling pictures and general garden photos.
We are now delighted that most Society and Horticultural meetings have resumed . The demand for plants has definitely increased, as more and more folks are now finding their way back to gardening! We plan to have normal Friday hours at the Nursery this summer, so please check the dates in July.
This year we are pleased to offer you 7 new Daylily Introductions. Also included are the Introductions of CURT TURNER. No new Japanese Irises are being introduced this year, but we have many promising futures. I hope you will enjoy these plants. I think all the Introductions exhibit good garden attributes and believe you’ll find special merits in each one. Many daylilies are in short supply this year (due to our hybridizing goals), but just ask if you’d like something held for you. We love to trade pollen with other hybridizers.
We're no longer selling Hostas here at GWF. But don't forget to check out our lovely Japanese Irises. We've kept the pages of our Historic Rehab, as folks seem to enjoy the process of an old house renovation, and have added completed photos of the last addition. It's certainly been a journey, but I doubt any old house is totally completed.
*We've again added our popular Weekly Garden Photos page for your enjoyment. We'll add additional new photos as the season progresses
Bushy our wonderful past 'Resident" fox.