We are pleased to offer the following Daylilies for Curt Turner
**For Shipping Instructions Please see 2024 Intros Page
BLUEBERRY CHANTICLEER (Turner, C. '18) Dip. Dor. 45", Late, 4". Cock of the morning daylily walk, Blueberry Chanticleer struts its 32 building buds across well-spaced, 4-way, candelabra branching, missing only the vocal "doodle-doo." A cross of [America's First Peoples x (Blueberry Breakfast x sdlg)], and a full sib to Two If By Sea, Blueberry Chanticleer is a reverse bitone blueberry with a dark purple band, grape veining, white midribs, and a bright green throat, lightening its color into late afternoon. D14-127A [$30.00 DF] ~~~~~
MODELING AVA (Turner, C. '18) Dip. Dor. 38", Mid-Late, 4.5". Apple-blossom pink with a raspberry-veined band, white midribs springing from a yellow-into-green throat, and white-crested ruffling, Modeling Ava is named for a lovely grandniece (one of four) who will be off to graphic-design college this year. A cross of Inca Trumpeter X Kisses Dawn to Dusk, Modeling Ava exhibits three-way branching, fifteen buds, is fertile both ways and is apparently tasty as deer ate her first seed crop. D13-106 [$80.00 SF] ~~~~~

*GERRYMANDER (Turner, C. '17) Tet, Dor, 37"; Mid; 6". Rowley, MA, where I live and hybridize, was partially encircled by a salamander-like, cartoon-lampooned, redistricting monster (see sketch in Wikipedia) by the allies of Governor Elbridge Gerry in 1812 to further the political fortunes of the then "Democratic-Republican Party" - sweet irony, and an irresistible name for this lovely magenta self with a greyed-chalk band encircling a gold throat around a small green center; and having a darker magenta outline, ribbing and midribs; and ruffled white and gold edging. Coloration is sun-fast but appearance varies with the extent of sun and shadow; Gerrymander is fertile both ways with 25 buds & 3-way branching. (T08-50) [(Mariska x Seedling) X Mary Alice Stokes] [$30.00 SF]
GREYWOODS TURNER'S TOTEM (Turner/Wilkinson '17) Dip, Dor, 38", 7", Mid. An unusual sepal mimicry of the petal pattern highlights this crispate cultivar, displaying chocolate ice cream coloration during one time-of-day and temperature phase and a soapstone grey cast at other times. Leaping out of a green throat, starburst golden darts are outlined by purple-maroon arrow tips with maroon edging that extends to the tips of the petals and with all segments evidencing maroon midribs, Greywoods Turner's Totem averages 18 buds on spacious 3-way branching and is fertile both ways. (D06-312) [Apache Bandana X Reuther's Brown Spider (Unregistered)] [$25.00 DF ] *** PLEASE Order this Plant Directly from Greywood Farm *** Limited.
Akimbo: (Turner, C. '16) Tet, Dor, 46”, Midseason, 8”. Named for its confident, assertive posture, Akimbo has open-faced, recurved, maroon segments featuring black highlights along the midribs and sepal centers with a bright golden, six pointed, starred throat. With 14 buds and 2-3 way branching, Akimbo’s height, flower size and aggressive stance call attention to itself over a well-spaced bloom season. With its not-pictured first bloom being near-black in color and given its parentage, hybridizers should note its breeding potential. Vigorous and fertile both ways, Akimbo is a cross of Rolling Raven X Tet Fleishal's Black T12-15 [$80.00 SF]
Franklin's Kite: (Turner, C. '16) Dip. Dor. 37", Midseason, 6". Capturing the other-worldly, electric intensity reminiscent of the feelings generated by my experiencing the indoor-lightning exhibit at Boston's Museum of Science as a teenager, Franklin's Kite crackles and glows as an amethyst self with darker lavender eye and a chalk-white patterned band punctuated by white-to-amethyst midrib bolts and appearing overall as a lavender explosion centered by a lime green throat. Fragrant & fertile both ways with two-way branching & 14 buds, Franklin's Kite is a cross of Frosted Amethyst X Chaotic Design.DX10-20 [$30.00 SF]
Matrons of Honor: (Turner, C. '16) Tet, Dor, 39", Mid-Late, 6.5". Other than brides, maids-of-honor and bridesmaids seem to capture the most wedding attention. It is long overdue to salute the women-of-marriage likely to attend those who are marrying later in life, renewing vows, or remarrying. A cross of Free the Night X Journey of Magic, Matrons of Honor is a medium pink self with a rose band, a gold-into-green throat with white, through-the-band midribs, red veining, wavy beige-into-gold petal edging, and near-end sepal pleating. Re-blooming in northeastern Massachusetts, Matrons of Honor displays 22 buds on-four to-five way branching and is fertile both ways. TX13-5 [$30.00 DF]
*SARA GOLDMAN (Turner ’16) Tet. Dor. 44” M 5” Lovingly named for a good friend, Sara Goldman is a cross of [[((Fooled Me X Desert Tan) X Seedling)) X Volunteer Fire Department] X Volunteer Fire Department]]. In comparison with the Stout Medal winner Fooled Me, Sara Goldman is 20” taller, more golden-orange than golden-yellow and has a deeper maroon eye with a larger bud count of 15 in it’s first bloom year. Apple green throat, deep green foliage and 2 branches. Fertile both ways. [$30.00 DF]
*SPHERES OF AFFLUENCE (Turner ’16) Tet. Dor. 28” ML 5.5” A lovely royal grape self with a mirrored, banded outline of the traditional three-sphere pawnshop symbol of the Medici financial empire; outwardly radiating white-into-grape, raised midribs; silver-sliver edging; dark grape outer band & veining and a gold throat. 23 buds, 4 branches. Pollen fertile. (Digital Imagery X Crack of Dawn) [N/A in 2025]
Payment and Shipping Information for Curt Turner’s Introductions
**See 2025 Introductions
Please contact Curt directly regarding questions and orders at:
A Daylily-A-Day Farm
372 Wethersfield St.
Rowley, MA 01969-1641
"Treasuring Fleeting Moments of Beauty"
'Heading for the hems'