We are pleased to offer the following Daylilies of Curt Turner
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*Stonehenge (Turner, C. '20) Tet, Dor, 31", 6", Midseason. Capturing the essence of seasonal celestial circularity, Stonehenge presents its mysteries in petals of amethyst-rose, banding and veining in blueberry and blueberry-ice picotees; light-yellow sepals edged and hazed in hints of amethyst stippling and ghostly blueberry-fog banding; all centered with deepening gold-green ethereal throat shading and white lightning-strike midribs. Stonehenge is a cross of Oceans Eleven x Blue Beetle, is fertile both ways, and has three-way first year branching and fifteen buds. T16-5. [$60.00 SF] ~~~~~
Cranberry Bye and Bye (Turner, C. '20) Dip. Dor. 36", 4.75", Mid-late Season. Good red diploids are hard to come by. A half-sibling to Centenarian Sidney, Cranberry Bye and Bye is a reverse bitone featuring rose-red petals, saturated cranberry sepals, a maroon eye, green throat and striking maroon buds. Displaying three first-year branches and twenty-four buds, Cranberry Bye and Bye is a cross of [(Whats What x Unknown) X Seedling]. D16-118B [Not Available in 2025] ~~~~~
*Spice Road Caravan (Turner, C. '20) Tet, Dor. 25", 5.25", Mid-late Season. Blending rose, orange and gold with a bubbly, crinkled, burnt-orange edge and a hint of a green throat; Spice Road Caravan evokes memories of ancient trading trails, stalwart beasts-of-burden, and travel weary guides with unusual and exotic cargoes and treasures. With two-to-four top branches and 25 buds, Spice Road Caravan is fertile both ways and is a cross of [[(Fooled Me x Seedling) x Seedling] X Seedling]].T15-5 [$30.00 SF] ~~~~~
Mill River Paradox (Turner, C. ‘20) Dip, Dor, 44", 5.5", Midseason. A puzzle indeed, a white cultivar from lavender/purple breeding as Mill River Paradox is a cross of Blueberry Breakfast X Seedling - not so strange when you know that Blueberry Breakfast itself is a product of near-white breeding, although such is not indicated in the registration. A white self with gently undulating ruffling and a Golden Delicious Apple-colored throat, Mill River Paradox is fertile both ways and sports 4-way first-year branching and 16 buds. D16-91 [Not Available in 2025] ~~~~~
Centenarian Sidney (Turner, C. ‘20) Dip, Dor, 50", 5", Late Season. At the midpoint of the last century, I was a nine year old paperboy seeking my weekly payment at a building behind the home in Abington, MA where no one answered my knock. Peering in the window, I discovered a greenhouse full of carnations in bloom, the hybridizing efforts of Sidney Littlefield known as "the King of Carnations" among members of the then existing New England Carnation Society. While Sidney lived to the age of 104, I credit that moment as the starting point of my interest in hybridizing, not to bear results until forty years later. Centenarian Sidney is a tall, frilly, carnation red self with a small cranberry ring entering an apple green throat. A cross of [(Whats What x Unknown) X Seedling], Centenarian Sidney is fertile both ways with 4-way branching and 27 buds.D16-118A [Not Available in 2025] ~~~
Manhattans at Midnight (Turner, C. ‘20) Dip, Dor, 34", 4", Early Midseason, An iconic cocktail, an iconic city, and an iconic daylily - an orange amber blend with a deep maroon eye that swirls into a gold and olive-green throat, multicolored midribs, maroon veining and touches of maroon petal-edging. In its first year, Manhattans at Midnight is a cross of [(Wild Dreams x Seedling) X Seedling] and is fertile both ways with 22 buds and 3 way branching. "Best Scape" D16-123. [$50.00 DF] ~~~~~
*Mill River Merlot (Turner, C. '20) Tet. Dor. 33", 5", Mid-late Season. Showcasing saturated merlot coloring, a pastel-violet halo, a striking white edge, deep merlot veining and a gold into green throat; Mill River Merlot is a cross of [(Ancient Wisdom x Desire of Nations) X Seedling]. Mill River Merlot is fertile both ways with 3-way branching and 16 buds,. T14-46 [$80.00 SF]

"Treasuring Fleeting Moments of Beauty"