*GREYWOODS CIRCLE RITZ  (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet. Dor.  31”  ML-L  Re.  6”             S/O   This mellow hem is a creamy buff (a deeper buff on cold nights), with a lovely pastel eye of cream, light rose and lavender.  A light yellow center bleeds into a green throat.  Husky scapes with 3 branches + 19-23 buds. Repeats through mid August, and is fertile both ways. (Greywoods Foxin’ Around X Yumph)               ~~~~~

*GREYWOODS DIGITAL DÉCOR   (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet. Dor. 38”  M-LM  7”                    S/0  This showy thin triangular bloom is cream to off white in the afternoon, with a variable hot raspberry violet broken pattern, and a large grass green throat. From good patterned parents, this is one to take to the UF & spiders, for interesting designs. Tall husky scapes and fertile. 3 branches & 17 buds.  [Venetian Pools X Sdlg (Greywoods Rainbow Equus X Greywoods Inca Dawn)]                                ~~~~~

*EYE SPRY (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet.  Dor.  30”  EM-M  8.5”  UF                                           S/O    .A UF that’s almost a spider, this light yellow bloom has a large bold violet raspberry eye. The thin rim on the petals show some teeth during the hot weather, and the yellow base color fades to creamy yellow.  3 top branches and 16-19 buds.  Some pods, and interesting parent for patterned spider hybridizers. [Static Shock X Sdlg (String Bikini X Greywoods Tallyho)]                                                                         ~~~~~


*GREYWOODS FOOTLOOSE  (Wilkinson ’21) Tet.  Dor. 32”  M-LM  9.5-10”  UF   30.00 Clp     I love this skinny, carefree UF, where the blooms go every which way!  The form constantly changes daily – rolls, cascades, pinches or twists as it wishes.  A rose tinted light coral with a faint rose band, and a large chartreuse center.  A wonderful landscape clump, good increase, fertile and long blooming. 3 Branches & 19 Buds.  (Buddys Wild and Wonderful X Greywoods Scooby Dude)  Clump                           ~~~~~


*GREYWOODS McGREGOR  (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet.  Sev. 29”  ML-L  6.3”                         S/O  So many reds and purples are on the market today, but this one offers a bit of a different contrast. A saturated base color of red violet-plum has a heavily ruffled gold edge that plays off a gold center in the afternoon.  Nice small green throat.  Fertile with 3 branches, 18 buds and many scapes. Long blooming into August.  (Greywoods Evenstride X Open Season)                                                                        ~~~~~


*GREYWOODS SARINA  (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet. Sev. 40” M-LM  6.5”                          28.00 SF   Definitely a lady.......  I’ve had my eye on this GW Neytiri kid since first bloom.  Although this ruffled ivory cream isn’t as white as I’d like, the very heavy substance and a sometimes blush of yellow or pink gives it much character.  A tall plant, with showy lightly sculptured blooms into August, husky scapes and good foliage add to the package.  Nicely fertile, and a good parent to use towards the quest for pure white.  3-4 branches, 21+ buds.  (Wedding Gown X Greywoods Neytiri) A Few                             ~~~~~


*GREYWOODS VAIN VICTOR  (Wilkinson ’21)  Tet. Dor.  38”  M-LM  6”+                   S/O  Everytime I see this plant, I always think of the lyrics:  “You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you” !  Coming from GW Rainbow Equus, I did expect good things, and was not disappointed. A cream peach with a variable broken rose-violet pattern and rim – more broken on hot days.  Nice foliage, tall husky scapes and a grass green throat. 4 branches & 28-31 buds.  Fertile with lots of pods.  Only a few to offer, as I didn’t completely divide out this good hybridizing parent yet. (Greywoods Rainbow Equus X Charlotte’s Desire)                                                                                                 ~~~~~


*GREYWOODS BROKEN HALO  (Wilkinson ‘20)  Tet. Sev.  34”  EM-LM  Re. 6”  Sold Out  I’ve been chasing patterns for years, and am delighted to add this one to the collection. A soft mauve lavender bloom, the broken pattern is cream, lavender, rose & violet. Variable with the weather, it never disappoints. Chartreuse throat + a small violet plum rim. Nicely fertile, 3 top branches and 19 buds. Lots of kids coming from GW BH!  [Sdlg (Get Jiggy X The Band Played On) X Whale Tails] X Whale Tails]      ~~~~~

 *GREYWOODS DONATELLO  (Wilkinson ’20)  Tet. Dor. 29” LM-L  5.75”  Re.       28.00SF   Solid, handsome and vibrant, this daylily has a European flair.  A creamy buff color is contrasted with a deep plum violet rayed eye. The wide plum violet border is crimped and ruffled. Green throat, 3 husky branches & 20 buds. Nice contrasting colors.  Fertile.  [Greywoods Desert Fox X Crazy Ivan]   SF      ~~~~~

GREYWOODS MERRYLEGS  (Wilkinson’20)  Dip. Sev. 29”  M-LM  7” Spider           S/O  Named after the impish pony in ‘Black Beauty’, this small scaled spider is a delight. Cream lavender pink petals are eyed a lavender rose, that look like bands as it twists and sometimes cascades. Impish indeed!  Large vivid green throat, 3 branches and 18 buds. Spider Ratio 4.9:1.  Some pods, great pollen. [Scissorhands X Jerry’s Whirligig]   ~~~~~

*GREYWOODS METRO GAL  (Wilkinson ’20)  Tet. Sev. 34”  EM-LM  8”  UF              35.00     A most interesting hem that starts out as a thin star shaped UF, then pinches deeply as the day progresses. Lovely lavender mauve with a vivid chartreuse appliqued center, that changes through yellow and seems to grow larger as the petals pinch more. Lovely in the garden! Good scapes, nice foliage, 3 branches & 19 buds.  Nicely fertile.  [Frozen Margarita X Artist Applique)                                         ~~~~~~


 *GREYWOODS MULTiTASKER   (Wilkinson ’20)  Tet. Sev. 31”  M-LM  5.75”             S/O   Our landscape selection this year, lives up to it’s name:  pretty bloom, husky scapes, good increase and nice foliage.  A soft buff, with a complex oval multi-eye of slate, violet, charcoal & lavender, with a good green throat. Long blooming, very fertile, 3 top branches & 24 buds.  Interesting parents. [Greywoods Apache Woodsong X Screen Pattern]      ~~~~~ 

*GREYWOODS TEQUILA TANGO  (Wilkinson ’20) Tet. Sev. 32” EM-M 10.5” Spdr       S/O   We all adore our Spiders, and GW TT is another lovely addition to this class.  The soft pink lavender petals gently crispate, and are marked with a faint lavender rose band.  Large green center, 3 branches & 17-19 buds. Love the parents, and it will often set pods. Good pollen. Spider Ratio 4.6:1.  [Greywoods Scooby Dude X Whammer Jammer]    A few
