*GREYWOODS BALLIMORE (Wilkinson ’23) Tet. Dor. 32” EM-M 8” S/O Another ‘good doer’ in the garden, this almost UF is a light flesh lavender, with a large violet eye shading into blue violet. A thin violet rim, and white midribs run into a green center. 3 branches & 17-20 buds. Nicely fertile with good parents. [Polar Vortex X (Tatoo X Greywoods Tallyho)] Limited ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS DENTAL PERSUASION (Wilkinson ’23) Tet. Dor. 33” M-LM S/O 6.25” What can I say... teeth are all the rage now, and this beauty certainly lives up to its name. The plum violet bloom has a hint of a bluish halo, and faint traces of blue around the jagged rim. Knobs and teeth are yellow to cream, and show even more in the heat. Very fertile and long blooming. 3 top branches & 18-21 buds.(Greywoods Evenstride X Wolverine) ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS DIGITIZED (Wilkinson ’23) Tet. Dor. 36” EM-M 6” S/O There are not enough bitones around, and this sweet tidy bloom is one of my favorites. The buff yellow petals contrast softly with the creamy yellow peach sepals. A multi pattern of raspberry, rose and cream finish out this pretty bloom. Husky scapes, nicely fertile and a good parent for patterns. 3 branches & 20 buds. (Greywoods Rainbow Equus X Four Beasts in One) Limited. ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS EYE FOR ART (Wilkinson ’23) Tet. Dor. 34” EM-M 6” Re. S/O A study in contrasts, this light buff yellow has a nicely designed pattern that looks almost painted on. The large triangular pattern is a vivid violet, mauve & raspberry; more raspberry on hot days. I love the sepal pattern. Sturdy scapes, showy in the garden and fertile. 3-4 branches & 23 buds. (Greywoods Rainbow Equus X Blue Jay Tapestry) A Few ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS FLIGHT OF WHIMSY (Wilkinson’23) Tet Sev 32” EM-M 9” UF S/O A lovely Cascading UF on it’s own, the unusual sepals are what give it extra flair. Clean light yellow, with a large triangular, rose raspberry band. The sepals have two parallel chartreuse green lines running down them – almost like train tracks! Shows about 50% of the time (mostly on hot days). This may not be for everyone's hybridizing program, but it's certainly different! 3 branches & 17 buds. Nicely fertile for an UF. [Champagne Charlie X (Whammer Jammer X Twisted Mint Julep] A Few. ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS IMA COWBOY (Wilkinson ’23) Tet. Sev. 29” EM-M 8.2” 55.00 You can certainly recognize the parent here – Greywoods Tallyho. This almost UF is an unusual butterscotch color with a large multi plum violet eye. Cream rays from the chartreuse center. Nice different contrasting colors and clean foliage. A few pods & good pollen. 3 top branches & 17 buds. [Pictoral Picotee X (Entwined In The Vine X Greywoods Tallyho)] Limited ~~~~
GREYWOODS PURR KATZ (Wilkinson ’23) Dip. Sev. 42” M-LM 9.5” UF S/O Cascade. Not to be outdone by all the Tets in the garden, this sweet dip holds it’s own. The base color is a soft greyed lavender cream, topped with a big bold, greyed plum violet, somewhat ribbed eye pattern. Good scapes, and the blooms present well. 3 top branches & 17 buds. Moderately fertile, good pollen. [Exotic Starfish X (Greywoods Cowgirl Casanova X Greywoods Wild Horsefeathers)]

*GREYWOODS HIDALGO (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. SEV. 33” E-ML 8.5”+ S/O Named for the horse (1 of 5!) in my favorite movie of the same name, Greywoods Hidalgo is as feisty and personable as it’s namesakes. A very large triangular pastel yellow bloom, that exhibits a wonderful raspberry-rose eye with a chevron broken pattern. Very showy, long blooming with nice foliage. A super cross onto those skinny southern spiders. 3 top Branches/ 16 Buds. Super pollen – pods 50%. (Greywoods Apache Woodsong X Four Beasts In One) **Limited ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS MARKET NICHE (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. Sev. 32” EM-M 5.75”+ S/O So many patterns are on the market today, but this one offers a bit of a different color contrast. A vivid plum violet, it has a variable broken slate, chevron pattern within a plum eye. More chevron on hot days. Patterned sepals and a hint of plum rims on the petals. Nice foliage and a great parent – fertile. 3 top Branches/ 16 Buds. [(Greywoods Good Night Irene X GW Deniro) X Venetian Pools)] Just a Few ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS LONDON HAZE (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. Dor. 31” EM-LM 7-8” Re. UF S/O This sweet Cascade is a cream overlaid blush pink, fading by afternoon. Large chartreuse yellow almost watermark runs into a lime green throat. Variable hooks and ruffles at times. Blooming into August, it is just lovely, and has a heavy substance. Pollen fertile + some pods. 3 Branches/ 17 Buds. (Greywoods Krystal Kid X Sdlg from HNF) ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS PEEK A BLUE (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. Sev. 33” M-LM 6.5” Re. S/O In the quest for blue eyes, this bloom is certainly another step closer. The light coral lavender shows a big lavender blue, veined eye, trimmed in raspberry. Same on the sepals, with a lime center into a green throat. The blue is variable, but oh, so nice! Nicely fertile, and repeats to mid August here. Lots of blues in its lineage including Tet. LBB. 3 top Branches/ 17 Buds. [Greywoods Giddy Up Girl X Sdlg (Greywoods Chasin’ The Blues X Blue Wrangler)] ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS SURREY CIRCLE (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. Sev. 32” M-LM 6.5” Re. S/O I’m a sucker for feminine flowers, and this one caught my eye from day one. The soft yellow bloom has a large round (circle) eye of rose lavender veined darker, and trimmed in raspberry. Same on the sepals. Big lime into a green center that fades out to yellow. Long blooming into August and nicely fertile. 3 Branches/ 18 Buds. [Greywoods Foxin’ Around X Sdlg (GW Tallyho X Marseilles Watercolor)] ~~~~~
*GREYWOODS TAPESTRY PONY (Wilkinson ’22) Tet. Dor. 31” E-EM 7”+ 48.00 This large triangular flower starts early and has great character. A plum viloet eye shows a jagged cream chevron pattern, that can vary with the temps. Petals are a soft lavender buff and a huge green throat rays outward. Nicely fertile and a good cross for patterned spiders! 3 Branches/ 16 Buds. [Sdlg (Champagne Charlie X Stringbean) X Venetian Pools)] Limited ~~~~~~