We are pleased to offer the following Daylilies for Curt Turner
**For Shipping Instructions Please See Bottom of Page
Mill River Mulberry Snow (Turner, C. ‘25) Dip, Dor, 44", 4" Late Season. A stunningly unique reverse bicolor presence in the late garden, Mill River Mulberry Snow displays cloud-fogged petals with a thin-white midrib stripe chaperoned and edged in mulberry; mulberry sepals edged in fog; a dark mulberry band; and with a green throat. Fertile both ways and showcasing 5-way branching and 23 buds, Mill River Mulberry Snow is a cross of (Marilyn Taylor X Unknown). D21- 103A [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~
Blasphemy (Turner, C. '25) Dip, Dor, 29", 4.25", Late Season; Bud Builder. Brooding and beautiful, Blasphemy is an inherently and philosophically self-contradictory and oxymoronic, reverse bicolor with grey-highlighted ruffling, beige petals, light maroon midribs, a deep-maroon band, maroon sepals, and a gold into an apple green throat. With 4-way branching and 26 buds, Blasphemy is a cross of [(Wild Dreams x Seedling) X Seedling] is fertile both ways, and is especially prolific as a pod parent D16-79omg [$100 SF] ~~~~~
Mill River Oh My (Turner, C. ’25) Dip, Dor, 39", 3.25", Late Season. Displaying lavender petals contrasted with strawberry sepals, a maroon band, and a lime-green throat, Mill River Oh My is a tall and elegant bi-color of a cookie-cutter nature. Fertile both ways, it is a cross of (Ahem and Aha x unknown). D22-185 [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~~
Mill River Sky Queen (Turner, C. '25) Dip, Dor, 44", 8", Mid Season. A tall, cooling presence easily visible from any garden view, Mill River Sky Queen is white with an apple-green throat extending into both petals and sepals with some segment quilling and spatulation. With 2-way branching and 9 buds, Mill River Sky Queen is a cross of (Sprinkles X Unknown) and is fertile both ways. D22-147 [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~
Jump Start My Heart (Turner, C. '25) Dip, Dor, 45", 7", Mid Season, Reblooms. A significant garden presence given its bright coloration and height, Jump Start My Heart is medium rose with a red band and a green-gold throat extending towards the midribs and onto the sepals. Fertile both ways with 2-way branching and 14 buds, Jump Start My Heart is a cross of (Artificial Evolution x Cliffjumper) D17-77 [$100 DF] ~~~~~
Lynette Hoffman [Turner, C. '25] Dip, Dor, 44", 5", Late Season. Named for a dear sister-in law, Lynette Hoffman is a reverse bi-tone with early-morning light-chalk petals transforming into a late afternoon light-rose with a cranberry band, white midribs, light-cranberry sepals edged in chalky-rose, and a gold-green throat. Displaying 3-way branching and 23 buds, Lynette Hoffman is a cross of (Marilyn Taylor X Unknown) and is fertile both ways. D21-103B [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~
Mill River Beacon Hill [Turner, C. '25] Tet, Dor, 44", 6", Mid Late Season. Being more than a foot higher than either of its pod-parent immediate forebears, Mill River Beacon Hill is truly an attention grabber whether at the top or anywhere else on a garden slope with a blend of orange and gold segments, golden yellow midribs, and a green throat. Carrying 19 buds on 4-way branching, Mill River Beacon Hill is a cross of [(Sun Scream x Heavenly New Frontiers) X Seedling] and is fertile both ways. T19-35 [$100 SF] ~~~~~
Mill River Autumn Sunrise [Turner, C. '25] Dip, Dor, 41", 5.5", Late Season. Distinctively hued in colors presaging the crisp, cool mornings of an early New England fall, Mill River Autumn Sunrise is a light brown reverse bi-color with petal freckling, a dark maroon band that extends along the midribs, dark maroon sepals with light brown edging and a bright golden throat. Displaying 11 buds on 3-way branching, Mill River Autumn Sunrise is a cross of (Ahem and Aha X Unknown) and is fertile both ways. D21-105 [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~
Pinnacle of Fashion (Turner, C. '25) Dip, Dor, 36", 3.5" Mid Season. Stately, yet not aloof, Pinnacle of Fashion is a charming bi-tone in light-pink with darker pink veining, white-highlighted ruffling and midribs, and a yellow into green throat. Presenting 21 - 25 buds on 4-way branching, Pinnacle of Fashion is a cross of (Sprinkles X Modeling Ava) and is fertile both ways. D19-12C [$50 DF] ~~~~~
Mill River Music (Turner, C '25) Tet, Dor, 31", 8" Mid Season. Setting pods easily, Mill River Music displays purple and large, forward-facing blooms with a lilac band, crinkled-vanilla petal edging, tri-colored midribs and a yellow-green throat. It is a cross of [(Bridey Greeson x Bluegrass Music) X Precious Candy] with eight buds on two-way branching and is fertile both as a pod and pollen parent. [Reserved for increase] ~~~~~
Billiards Parlor (Turner, C. '25) Tet SE 37" 5" Mid Late Season. No smoky pool hall here; just the fresh outdoor air and a lovely, lavender-hazed halo, maroon coloration with gold petal edging and a gold into green throat. With four branches and fifteen buds, Billiards Parlor if a cross of (North By Northwest X Dr. Frances S Baker) and is fertile both ways. T20-01 [Reserved for increase.]
Payment and Shipping Information for Curt Turner’s Introductions:
May shipping as soon as the ground is workable. Please make checks payable to Curt Turner. If MA delivery, please include 6.25% of the pre-shipping cost to cover sales tax.
Shipping Fees: $20.00 east coast/$25.00 west coast – Continental U.S.A only. Plus $1.00 Additional per Plant ~~~
[If interested in Pollen: negotiate price via adadfarm@aol.com + shipping @ $6.00/ per cultivar. Each cultivar's pollen is shiped separately].
** Please contact Curt directly regarding questions and orders at:
A Daylily-A-Day Farm
372 Wethersfield St.
Rowley, MA 01969-1641
'Solar Power'