Previous GWF Introductions A - N
*GREYWOODS ADIVA ADAY (Wilkinson 10) Dor. 29" M S/O
This sib to GW LIPS A QUIVER is a continuation of our ROAD TO MECCA line. At 5.5" the pansy petalled bloom is a creamy buff with a raspberry red eyezone and rim. By afternoon the sepals roll back and the buff base color lightens to show off the bold eye. Nicely fertile, it passes along that BIG eye. Green throat. 3-4 branches and 19-25 buds. A great parent! (GW ROAD TO MECCA X BORDER MUSIC) -
GREYWOODS ALLIE KATZ (Wilkinson 05) Dip Sev 35” EM-M 5” 15.00 A round, rolled back dusty claret is inhanced by a huge triangular plum red eye, that bleeds into a yellow center with a good green throat. ALLIE KATZ brings an unusual combination of parents to the dips. [(KARENS CURLS X CAT DANCER) X NAVAJO PRINCESS].
(Wilkinson 06) Dor/ Sev. 32” M. Ext. S/O
It’s an honor to name this lovely daylily after a good friend and a great Reg. 4 Hybridizer. 6” round with heavy substance, this pink subtle bitone has lighter sepals and an excellent yellow gold edge that produces angel wings on hot days. A small yellow halo bleeds into a deep grass green throat. An added bonus is the ruffled buds that start opening the previous day. Very fertile. [GREYWOODS DIXIE BELLE X (ANGELS BRAID X DARLA ANITA)] Limited -
(Wilkinson 07) Dor. 28” M. 18.00
From the GW ROAD TO MECCA line, comes this exuberant 6” daylily. Beginning a fawn cream, it pales to alabaster cream with a bold deep plum eye and plum ruffled rims. Vivid green throat, 3 to 4 branches on husky scapes and 30+ buds. Long blooming and another work horse type garden treasure. Fertile. (GW ROAD TO MECCA X BORDER MUSIC) Ltd. -
(Wilkinson 04) Tet. Sev. 26” LM 6” S/O
Very voluptuous best describes this large blousy bloom. Rolled, wavy and ruffled, the bright rose coral bleeds into a vivid yellow center and a waxy grass green throat. Even the 25+ buds are plump. Pretty green foliage, and fertile. (MOMENTUM X IDAS MAGIC) -
*GREYWOODS CYBERSTEED (Wilkinson 10) Dor 30" LM-L S/O
5.75" bloom, some repeat. A great color break for the later garden. It's a mauve lavender with a vivid violet plum eye and edge. Ruffled and showy, the only fault it could have is that the sepals may sometimes cup during very dry weather. No matter - as the lateness is certainly worthy and is a welcome change from the late yellows. Lots of scapes. Green throat. 3 branches and 19-24 buds. Fertile. (MYSTERIOUS EYES X TETRA LAVENDER BLUE BABY). -
(Wilkinson 03) Dor. 29” LM Dip UF 17.00 This interesting 8” + bloom flings itself in all directions – curled, twisted, rolled. Never the same. The vivid gold self fades to lighter edges in the PM, likes its mom. Huge grass green throat. Fertile with 3 branches. Excellent. (GREYWOODS GREAT DANA X PALE MOON WINDMILL) -
(Wilkinson 03) Sev. 32” M 6 3/4” S/O
This flower is always perfectly groomed, just like a Southern Belle. The big flat blooms are a pastel pink – more blue than peach. A soft creamy yellow center bleeds into a larger grass green throat. A yellow gold rim throws knobs and teeth in the heat. Tall, showy and a good parent. (SHERRY LANE CARR X GREYWOODS PAINTED PONY) X ED BROWN) -
(Wilkinson 04) Dip. Dor. 21” EM 3.5” HM '19 18.00 Clp When I made this cross of GREYWOODS TOOTSIE TWO SHOES X Curt Turner’s VICTOR VICTORIA, I had no idea that the result would be a stippled double. But, that’s the wonder of hybridizing. This charming small plant is a creamy pink, stippled rose pink with a slight rose band and a green throat. Doubling is consistent. CLUMP -
(Wilkinson 02) Dor. EM - M 27” 17.00
Down the Center Line and always a perfect test (as in the horse show world), this daylily never misses a beat. Consistantly round, it’s a 5 1/2” light creamy pink with a vivid raspberry rose eye, prominent radiating rose veins and a rose rim. Good grass green throat. Very clean clear colors. Has a tendency to poly. (SPLENDID TOUCH X STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER) -
(Wilkinson 07) Dor. 25” M-LM 5.75” Re. S/O
A pansy petalled, flat pink lavender with a vivid purple plum eye & thin rim. The buds have a powdery-looking coating much like on blue hostas & grapes, that lessens later in the day. A vivid grass green throat and nicely fertile. Rebloomed 2 out of 3 years for us! Pretty blue foliage. (MASKED PHANTOM X DARLA ANITA) X CELEBRATION OF ANGELS. -
*GREYWOODS FANCY FILLY (Wilkinson 09) Tet. SEV. 30” M-LM 6.25” 18.00 This complex bloom is a pastel cream flushed lavender, with a mauve lavender eye that’s enhanced by a green throat. Of slightly triangular form, it’s the double edge of mauve, lavender, gold and yellow that draws you in. Huge ruffles that hook and fold over at times are a standout. Nice foliage, 3 branches, 22-26 buds and moderate increase. Great parent! [GREYWOODS LADY PURSALOT X Sdlg (JAMACIAN MUSIC X GREYWOODS DRESSAGE QUEEN]
GREYWOODS FINGERS MALONE (Wilkinson 09) Dip. Dor 29” M 7 1/2 to 8” UF 15.00 This unusual daylily gives new meaning to the UF term cascading. A medium yellow with green undertones, this almost spider cascades and rolls down on itself in a different but attractive manner. Always fun, it’s something new for the spider dip hybridizer. Candelabra type buds, and a nice green throat add to the package. 3 top branches with 17-23 buds. Moderately fertile. (GREYWOODS DISCO DANA X JERRY’S WHIRLIGIG). CLUMP
*GREYWOODS FRITZWILLIAM (Wilkinson 09) Dor. 38” M-ML. S/O This exquisite 6” pastel medium pink is a sib to our long blooming GW BILL CHAMBERS – but more of everything. More gold ruffling, more saturation, more presence – a BC on steroids! There are many nice pinks around, but this standout is northern bred with a southern belle look. Nice wide petals and a vivid green throat enhance the raised surface pleating. Husky scapes & good foliage with 3 branches and 23-27 buds. Nicely fertile both ways. [GW DIXIE BELLE X Sdlg (ANGELS BRAID X DARLA ANITA)]. A few.
(Wilkinson 04) Tet. Sev. 29” LM S/O
The photo does not do justice to this 6’ hot rose pink bitone. Very lacy, the ruffles are pleated and the heavy substance is smooth and saturated. The sepals are lighter, scapes have 3 branches and 28+ heavy buds, and it bloomed until mid Aug. here. (SEMINOLE WIND X SPACECOAST STARBURST) -
(Wilkinson 05) Sev. 28” M-LM 6” S/O
I’ve named this beautiful daylily in honor of Irene Melin. Both she and Al were long time members of NEDS, and were my mentors in my early hybridizing years. At over 6”, this voluptuous bloom is a flat coral mulberry rose with a deep peach-gold halo, edged rose and matching bubbled gold ruffles. (SPACECOAST STARBURST X GREYWOODS PAINTED PONY) -
(Wilkinson 03) Sev. 30” M-LM 16.00 Clp
Working with complex eyes is part of my hybridizing program, and this 5 3/4” flower reflects progress. A soft creamy buff bloom holds a multi-patterned eye of irregular raspberry mauve that bleeds into slate and violet layers. A yellow-green center into a green throat. (BLUE EYED BUTTERFLY X (Sdlg: BECKY STONE X GREYWOODS PAINTED PONY) CLUMP -
(Wilkinson 02) Dor. 29” EM DIP UF 20.00
A spidery 8.5 to 9.5” UF, this twisted crispate starts out a clean yellow gold in the morning and by afternoon the edges fade to a vibrant cream above a gold center and a radiating olive throat. A very showy large flower, good increase, 3 branches and 18-25 buds. Winner of the STANLEY E. SAXTON Region 4 Hybridizers Award at the 2001 National, and a JC. It is producing exciting, unusual kids. (MIGHTY HIGHTY TIGHTY X JAN’S TWISTER) -
(Wilkinson 04) Tet. Dor. 38” L. 5.75” 18.00
Tall lates are hard to come by, and I’m very partial to this lovely garden favorite. Starting in Aug. here, it is a violet mauve with a round golden cream halo that’s rimmed in violet. Almost a bitone, the petals are edged in yellow gold and the form is flat. Loaded with scapes and good increase. [SDLG (ED BROWN X ENCHANTED APRIL) X FLYING CARPET] Ltd. -
(Melin/ Wilkinson 07) Dor. 28” LM 5.25 ”Dip S/O
This lovely hem was hybridized by Irene Melin – my mentor – and she passed away before I was able to introduce it for her. H. JUDY’S WAY is a very pretty, soft light pink of smooth texture, with a muted rose pink band. The yellow center bleeds into a green throat. A pretty addition for the later garden. (BARBARA MITCHELL X UNK) -
(Wilkinson 07) Dip. Sev. 30” M-LM 8+” UF 18.00 Some names just stick, and I’ve always called this cascading UF “Frog”, because of it’s huge dynamic green throat. The rose coral blooms have a rose red band, and form is sometimes variable from cascading to pinched. 3 br. towards the top, but many scapes. [MAD MAX X (MAGIC OF OZ X VICTORIAN RIBBONS)] Just a few -
(Wilkinson 00) Dor. 25” EM 5” 16.00
Good manners and consistency are the key here. This daylily is definitely a ‘do gooder’. Round, crimped and nicely ruffled raspberry coral with a faint red eyezone. The flame orange center bleeds into an olive green throat. Pretty blue green foliage and many scapes. (STRAWBERRY CANDY X NEWBERRY REAL FRILLS) -
*GREYWOODS LIPS A QUIVER (Wilkinson 09) DOR. 28” M 6" 25.00 Lots of “WOW” factor in this outstanding flower. From our GW ROAD TO MECCA line, this is a flashy sib to GW COUNTRY SQUIRE. This soft yellow based buff bloom has a seemingly painted on deep fushia lav-red eyezone and wide ruffled border. Very saturated in color, the eye is a beacon across the garden. Husky scapes, pretty foliage and a good green throat. This parent stamps it’s kids with that eye and is a must for hybridizers wanting hardiness in their eyed lines. 3 branches and 25+ buds. Fertile. (GW ROAD TO MECCA X BORDER MUSIC) A Few.
(Wilkinson 00) Dor. 38” M to ML 8 1/2 ”+ 20.00 Almost a variant, this showy hem radiates a golden yellow self. Most exciting are the ruffled edges of teeth that increase as it gets warmer. Long blooming. A tall cultivar of great drama to add to the TET spider program. Producing super kids. (NEWBERRY REAL FRILLS X TET SPINDAZZLE) -
(Wilkinson 04) Dip Sev. 38” M-LM UF S/O
A spider with proportions of 4.6:1, and a 9” wingspan, this huge star is a rose burgundy with a large yellow-chartreuse center. By afternoon, the open flat petals turn back and sometimes cascade. Commanding in the garden, the 4-way branching and 30 buds add to the drama. (GREYWOODS TOOTHACHE PURPLE X MARKED BY LYDIA). -
(Wilkinson 06) Dor. 32” M. 6” S/O
Like the rock star herself, this flower is vibrant and showy. The blooms open to a flat cream and the huge rose red eye looks heavily painted on with textured ribbing. A big green throat, a rose red rim & 3 branches make this a knockout. Fertile & producing big eyed kids. [Sdlg (ISLE OF ZANZIBAR X GREYWOODS DRESSAGE QUEEN) X BORDER MUSIC] -
(Wilkinson 06) Sev. 34” LM Dip UF S/O
This wonderful 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 open star-like UF is a pink lavender with a rose-red chevron eye that almost reaches out to the petal ends on some days. A yellow center bleeds into a green throat and the sepals roll back. (MIGHTY HIGHTY TIGHTY X STAR OF FANTASY)